Client Edits ClickUp Instructions

Find the “Add Task” button in the top right corner and press it.

A pop up will then appear where you can enter a “Task name” and description. The task name is what will show on list views so please keep it condensed. In the description, you can fill out any information that you need that will be helpful in my team replicating the issue. This includes (but is not limited to) text, links, screenshots, lists, files/attachments, etc.

After you have your initial information, hit “Create task”

The task is now created and will be placed under “Empty” which means my team needs to review it. Once the task is created you can fill out additional information such as client priority, the url, category, user role, and steps to reproduce the issue from this list view.

That is all that is needed to create a task – all the other functionality is used by my team internally. If you have any questions about any of the things you see my team doing, please feel free to ask and I can let you know what it’s being used for!

After you create a task and my team completes it, we will place it in “Review – Client” 

That will change the little box next to the task name yellow to grab your attention. When we move it to “Review – Client” we will tag you in the comment section on the task which will notify you that it’s ready to be looked at. Please note you should be reviewing the build link on an incognito browser to avoid issues with caching. If you do not see an issue resolved, please reach out and we will flush the caches on our side to see if that helps the situation.

There are three tabs at the top of the board. When you add a task, you can see them in “Submission”. When we have things for you to review, you can go to “Feedback / Review” and see the tasks ready for review.

After you are done reviewing, there is a status for “Client Feedback” where you can let us know if a further edit is required (“Review – Edit”), a discussion is needed (“Requires Discussion”), or if everything looks good mark it “Complete”. Any edits or discussion you would like to have can be put in the comments. This will then flag me and my team to review your feedback. If we have any questions, we will reach out to you by tagging you in a comment.